We are in search of opportunities to help as many youths , Women , Old Age People and Animals as possible. We approach and fund all those who are in need.

We Support Children,Youth and Old Age People to Reach Their Full Potential

Daan Dakshina Programmes


— Happy Ageing

OLD AGE is an unavoidable part of our life cycle and should be lived gracefully rather than greatfully.


— Shakti

Over the past decade, gender equality has been recognized as crucial to the health of nations.


— Abhiyaas

A happy, healthy and creative child whose are protected and honoured in a society.


Voice For Voiceless

Imagine a world where there was no one to protect us against the injustices caused. planet.

What We Care For!

We plan to achieve our goals by leveraging the following strategies –

  • Leveraging information, communication and technology (ICT) to improve our programme depth and diversity.
  • Bringing gender transformative change.
  • Partnering with Government and Corporate Systems to bring change at scale.
  • Innovative and evidence-based campaigns to eliminate the root causes of poverty.
  • Impact driven approach to reach the maximum number of people.